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Home Inspection

Purchasing A Home?

A home inspection is one of the most important things you can do when considering a home purchase. It identifies problems, minimizes unpleasant surprises down the road, helps you learn more about a house, and provides overall peace of mind and security.

Selling Your Home?

This can cost you time and money. A pre-listing inspection allows you to set the price of your home and make any necessary repairs at a lower cost than what a buyer might ask for during negotiations. The inspection report can be used as a marketing tool, as homes that have had pre-listing inspections have higher and faster closing rates!

What To Expect

A home inspection is a visual examination of the physical structure and systems of a house, including the roof, the foundation, and everything in between. This includes:

  • Heating and air systems
  • Interior plumbing
  • Electrical systems
  • Roof, attic, and visible insulation
  • Walls, ceilings, and floors
  • Windows and doors
  • Foundation, basement, and structural components


What Sets Us Apart

Not only does HIC perform the standard examination of structures and systems, we go above and beyond required standards of practice. This includes checking all windows, cabinets, and outlets—not just the minimum number required by the state. We also help our clients fully understand their inspection reports and prioritize repairs, as we know the results can be overwhelming.

What’s more, you can have peace of mind knowing HIC adheres to the North Carolina Home Inspector Licensure Board Standards of Practice & Code of Ethics.

Other Inspections to Consider

In addition to a comprehensive home inspection, we also highly recommend radon testing, mold, and pest inspections. Additionally, if the home has a well and/or septic system, you may want to consider a septic inspection and testing for well water contaminants. HIC offers all of these inspections.